Lord, do we
cause so many problems in this world
because we have forgotten who You are?
Have we
forgotten to fear Your mighty, awesome power?
Have we
forgotten to take our shoes off to show respect
for You and the Holy ground on which we
when we come into Your Presence?
Or do we
come before You begrudgingly and disrespectfully,
with dirty hands and feet that are unfit
to serve You?
Are we
ceremonially unclean?
Have we
forgotten to prepare our hearts to make them suitable,
welcoming dwelling places for Your Holy
Are we truly
grateful for the cost of our eternal life
or do we take it for granted and fail to
thank You
for caring enough to reach out to us
giving us the greatest love we will ever know?
Have we
forgotten that the Son of Man willingly, obediently,
died to redeem us from the darkness of death’s eternity?
Have we
forgotten that You can rock our world
anytime You want and shake us up to get
our attention?
Have we
become so absorbed in our own self-importance
that we see You as being made in our pitiful
instead of believing that we are made in Your image,
to serve You and bring glory to Your name.
Lord, have
we forgotten the importance of having a humble spirit?
How dare we
be so pompous and so full of ourselves
that we would think we might usurp Your
and so proud that we might think of
ourselves as God!
forgive us for not giving You the honor and respect we should.
Forgive us
for putting You last when we should put You first.
Forgive us
for giving You our left-overs,
our crumbs, our hand-me-downs,
when we should give You our first fruits,
the first of our time, the first of our
the first of our love, the first of our
the first of our attention, the first of
all our resources.
Impress on
us the need and the joy of giving You first place
in our hearts and in our lives.
Lord, lead
us back into fellowship with You.
Make us
worthy of all that You have given us;
let us be who and what You want us to be.
Guide and
direct us to do what You want us to do.
Thank You
for the blessings You continue to bestow
upon us even when we fail to appreciate or
deserve them.
Thank You
for loving us in spite of ourselves.