When I was in my first childhood, I looked forward to singing favorite
songs when I went to Sunday school: “Jesus Loves Me,” “Fishers of Men,” This
Little Light,” “Jesus Loves the Little
Children,” and, let’s not forget “The B-I-B-L-E.” (“Yes, that’s the book for me!”)
And, what is the B-I-B-L-E? Of
course, we all know that it is the Word of God, for indeed, the words in this
great book are “God-breathed”; and how amazing is the first verse of the Gospel
of John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. (KJV) The Word is God!! How awesome to think about that sentence!! The Word is God!!
A couple of weeks ago one of the writers of my Sunday School materials challenged the way I read my Bible. First of all, he referred to the Bible as God’s
symphony.(And what music could ever be
sweeter than that which the Creator of the Universe has composed?). Secondly, he said that the Bible is “God’s painting of His
indelible love and lament.” (And what artist’s work could be more effective and impressive than the original works our God, who planned the natural beauty of our world, has designed?) Thirdly, the writer called the Bible God’s
literary epic “expressing such yearning compassion for humanity that He invites
us to join Him in His ongoing story.” (And what literature could be more
beautifully written than that story which God Himself has plotted?)
Since Sunday I have been questioning the spirit and attitude with which I
read my Bible. As a retired high school
English teacher, I always watch the writer’s craft as I read, highlighting or
copying phrases or sentences I want to remember so, yes, I do agree and will
argue that the Bible is a literary epic. I have no problem with the writing I find
there. But I am concerned about
listening for God’s symphony when I read. Do I hear the music, the various sections of
the orchestra led by a masterful Conductor? Do I
recognize and enjoy the crescendos, the violins, the harmony? At the same time,
I am also concerned about seeing and absorbing the beautiful images God paints
to illustrate what I am reading. Do I
take time to see the brilliant colors and
spectacular scenes that only God can create?
Or do I just read my verses as quickly as I can so I can hurry on to check
my email, watch television, or do something else? Do I miss the joy and
pleasure that reading the Bible with my ears and eyes as well as my mind will
provide? What do I put into my Bible
reading? Before I begin reading, do I ask God to open my heart to the message, to enable me to read with all of my senses, to experience all the feelings He has provided for me in His Word?
There is certainly no doubt that I need to
slow my daily life-pace down and truly appreciate God as a master composer,
artist, writer; I need to appreciate the
Bible as a work of creation about
creation. Music, painting, and
literature, three mediums that give beauty and inspiration to a life, and in
the Bible there are examples of them all if I will just pay attention. I pray that as I read the Bible now, I will savor the music, the paintings, and
the literature I find there. And, when I
do, reading the B-I-B-L-E, which is still the book for me, will be a richer