Sunday, February 8, 2015

Turn my Sorrows into Joys

Dear Lord, Almighty God, 
You who are able to calm the troubled seas and turn water into wine, 
I ask you to calm my soul and turn the my sorrows into joys. 
Forgive me for my many sins, for hurting others, 
for so many actions that I should not have done, for so many actions 
that I should have done. 
I am so sorry that I so easily stray from Your pathways 
     ending up in places that I would rather not be. 
Give me the strength to forgive others who have knowingly or unknowingly hurt me.  
Help me  let the petty barbs go; let me hand them over to You.  
Do not let me act as if I am 7 instead of 70.  
Do not let me stoop to swapping silly, childish verbal blows 
     with those who would hurt me. 
Help me to remember that it is better to save a relationship than to win an argument.  
Help me to remember that my purpose is to help others.  
Let me become the person You intended for me to be.  
Help me to look at others as You intended them to be; 
     let me see You in others; 
     let me celebrate them, not destroy them.
Help me to empty myself of me so that I can be filled with you. 
Be with those I love;  
may they walk in the light of Your love, peace, and mercy; 
may they know You and follow You and not be tempted 
     by the idols and evils of this world.  
Let them understand that this world is not our home; 
  something better lies ahead for us all
     --an eternal home with You if we will choose it. 
Father, help me to deal with this last conflict; let me let You lead. 
Give me faith to believe that You will put the pieces of broken relationships 
     back together in Your time, not mine. 
I thank You; I praise You; I honor You; I love You.

In Christ's name I pray.    Feb 8, 2015

Getting Older

Lord, I am such a mess some days.  
I don't remember as well as I used to; 
and  my body certainly doesn't function as well as it once did. 
 I am nearing my 70th year of life which doesn't sound that old 
     until I look at the mirror and see my tired, wrinkled face.
I thank You for what has been a wonderful life 
and praise You for all the blessings You have given me: 
     family, friends, shelter, food, assurance of Your Love, 
          Presence, Strength, and Comfort each day.  
Father, I love You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit 
Who remains with me to guide me, encourage me, protect me.  
Help me to be the person You have created me to be.  
Keep me from straying from Your shelter. 
Help me to love others, to forgive others 
     as You have forgiven me my many sins.  
Let all I say, think, and do be in accordance with Your will.  
Help me to be Your hands and feet
     to those in my world who have a need.  
Forgive me when I try to take Your place, and 
... when I think I know how to do things better than You.  
Forgive my many sins. 
Let me be a blessing to someone today.  
In Christ's name.  Feb 1. 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our loving, protecting, encouraging Abba

Merciful and Mighty God,   
Master Creator of the Universe, 
Lover and Protector of those whom You have created.  
Be with Your children who are sick, lonely, frightened, 
     grieving, depressed, estranged from You.  
Let us feel Your comforting presence 
     bringing the assurance that we are not alone, 
     for You are not even a breath away from us, 
     You will always be holding us to Your bosom, 
     Your love will never willingly let us go.  
Let us remember that You, unlike us, our friends and family, 
     do not break Your promises.   
Lord, help us to remember 
     that we are not worthless in Your sight. 
Instead, we are the crown of Your creation, 
     so important that You chose to make us in Your own image. 
Help us to see ourselves as You see us, 
     not as the world sees us. 
Give us strength to keep our concentration on You; 
     keep us from being influenced by the cruel words 
         of those who hate us.  
Help us to believe in You, 
     to believe that You are a Loving God;
     Who never rejoices in seeing our failures and inadequacies.  
Assure us that we can turn to You; 
     share our joys and concerns with You 
     no matter how small or petty others think they are.  
You are our loving, protecting, encouraging Abba 
     who has given us bounteous riches of the world 
          You have created for us.  
You are our Abba who wants us to be all that we can be;
     to do all that we can do to make our lives acceptable to You.
Thank You, Precious Father, for the goodness, the blessings 
     You have provided for us.  
Forgive us for being hard-headed, stubborn people 
     who whine too much and who say "thank you" too  little. 
Thank you for Your goodness and mercy.  
Hold us close today as we speak, travel,   .  
Let us stay close to You showing justice, love and mercy to others. 

In Christ's name       1-27-15 (Mab)