Dear Lord, Almighty God,
I ask you to calm my soul and turn the
my sorrows into joys.
Forgive me for my many sins, for hurting others,
for so
many actions that I should not have done, for so many actions
that I should
have done.
I am so sorry that I so
easily stray from Your pathways
ending up in places that I would rather not
Give me the strength to forgive others who have knowingly or
unknowingly hurt me.
Help me let the petty barbs go; let me hand them over
to You.
Do not let me act as if I am 7
instead of 70.
Do not let me stoop to
swapping silly, childish verbal blows
with those who would hurt me.
Help me to
remember that it is better to save a relationship than to win an argument.
Help me to remember that my purpose is to
help others.
Let me become the person
You intended for me to be.
Help me to
look at others as You intended them to be;
let me see You in others;
let me
celebrate them, not destroy them.
Help me to empty myself of me so that I can be filled with
Be with those I love;
may they walk in the light of Your
love, peace, and mercy;
may they know You and follow You and not be tempted
the idols and evils of this world.
them understand that this world is not our home;
something better lies ahead
for us all
--an eternal home with You if we will choose it.
Father, help me to deal with this last conflict; let me let
You lead.
Give me faith to believe that
You will put the pieces of broken relationships
back together in Your time, not
I thank You; I praise You; I honor You; I love You.
In Christ's name I pray.
Feb 8, 2015