Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thank You for Your Love

I thank you for Your boundless love,
   Your grace that blows my mind.
Breathe into me enough of Your love
   and grace to willingly, cheerfully, share with others, 
those I know personally and those who are Your children,
Give me the strength  to show grace to those
   who hurt me deliberately or inadvertently.
Convince me to give others the benefit of the doubt
   when they fail to acknowledge favors I have done,
   when they overlook my hard work,
    the faithfulness with which I serve.
Cheer my heart with the assurance that You know
    Not only what I do, but the attitude of my heart.
Lead me to You; I am Yours.
Let me show Your love and kindness to others.
Lord, keep my heart free of jealousy.
Help me keep my eyes focused on You.
Let me remember that my purpose in life is to glorify You.
My purpose is not to be glorified by others.
I am not made to be an idol for others to worship.
While we humans are fickle, You are constant,
   like the sun you made and put into the heavens.
Keep my ears focused on hearing your assurances of love.
Let me hear Your encouragement, Your reassurance.
Let me hear Your voice, Lord.
Deafen my ears to those voices that call me astray.
Let me only hear Your calling, Your commands.
Drown out the enchanting, tempting Siren songs.
They tempt me to go where I should not go.
They tempt me to do things I should not do.
Lord, chase away the ugliness from my heart.
Work in me and through me to spread the Good News,
Let me share with others the joy of the resurrection
   of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Let me find those who need to hear it so they might be saved.
Protect my soul and don’t let me waste my life
   by hiding the message of salvation from others.
Father, let me remember the beautiful prayer of confession.
Let me earnestly, unceasingly ask for forgiveness of all my sins.
Indeed, my sins are too many to name, some purposely committed,
    Others are carelessly committed, but all are sins.
Forgive me for all my transgressions and
transform me into the child You want me to be.   
In Christ’s name I pray. 

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