I believe that angels visit us disguised in human flesh. I think God sent one to me Christmas eve at a time when I was worn out with the busyness of the season, a husband's birthday dinner on the eve of Christmas eve, and other commitments. I don't know my angel's name and probably won't recognize him if I ever see him again, but I wish I did. I would love to have him in my life every day.
I met him at Wal-Mart, my last stop before hurrying home. I needed a Christmas card for my husband, who always picks out the most special cards for me. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), there were lots of other people trying to find cards too. I waited a few minutes; then, when no one showed any signs of moving so I could get close to the cards, I very loudly asked if anyone would please pass me a "husband" card. A sweet, young lady reached over and handed me a card she had seen. At the same time, the young man standing beside her said he'd seen a really good card for a husband, took it off of the shelf, and told me this was the "husband" card I needed to get. ( At this point, all I wanted was a card with the word "husband" on it!!! I usually look for humorous and this one looked sappy.)
Anyway I thanked him for the card and turned to leave, but he wasn't satisfied. He boldly insisted I read the card he had given me--right then!!. I thought, "He has some nerve and doesn't understand how exhausted and busy I am." I just wanted to get out of Wal-Mart and go home.
Nevertheless, deciding to humor him, I opened the card, read it, and discovered one of the most beautifully worded cards I've ever seen, a wonderful tribute to a husband who has remained true and supportive for almost 50 years. As I mentioned this to my young friend, his face lit up as he then shared with me that he and his wife were celebrating their 20th anniversary that day. He added three important factors in their lasting marriage; all three involve putting God first and letting Him direct their marriage.
Finally, as I was leaving, this wonderful young man put his arms around me and hugged me. What a joyful experience!! What a special Christmas gift of caring and sharing he gave me when I needed it, a gift more precious than a bunch of shiny baubles, a gift of love. I'm sure he had a Merry Christmas; I did.
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