Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Need to Put You First

Father, forgive me for my many transgressions,
     for being a hoarder,
     for refusing to give You the first fruits,
     for the reverence I give to worldly possessions,
     things that do not breathe or sacrifice for me,
     things that have sentimental value because
           they belonged to beloved people,
           or speak of happy times in my life.
Father, forgive me for holding onto stuff I don’t need,
     inanimate stuff, which I stubbornly worship
     with the awe and zeal I should exhibit for You alone.
Forgive me for cherishing these worldly idols,
     that speak of success and promise to provide comfort.
I do set them in special places, bring them out to show off.
Forgive me for my narrow-mindedness,
     my obsession with worldly possessions, so-called luxuries,
     that never fulfill my needs or fill me with contentment.
Give me Your peace, Your love, Your mercy, Your joy.
Forgive me when I so foolishly let my childishness rule my heart.
Give me Your strength to resist worldly temptations,
Keep my heart and mind focused on You and all that You promise me.
Accept my love for You and Your Son,
Let me rejoice in a meaningful, personal relationship with You.
Keep me close to Your heart and pinch me when I stray.
Thank You for all the blessings and patience You have shown me.
Thank You for being my “Abba” and for calling me Your beloved.
Lord, help me to put You first in my heart and in my mind.
In Christ’s name I pray.  Amen and amen!

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